Commit Yourself

You have made your declaration.
First to yourself, then to your partner, family, friends, and other supporters.
Now it’s time to commit to yourself.

We commit ourselves every day to different things and to different people.
We make promises, and we fulfill these promises.
Often, they are simple promises that may seem like nothing other than a duty.
However, indeed, they are commitments.

For example, I feed my family.
I make a commitment every day to in some way be responsible for the fullness of my kids’ tummies.
I either cook dinner for them, or buy dinner for us, or in some way make sure food is provided.

My family can depend on a meal being provided by me every day.
That is a commitment that I have made to my family.

It seems to be an obvious commitment, doesn’t it?
I mean, it is my responsibility, my duty to them. And to myself.
Food is important, imperative, and a given. We know that food is required to live, and it is my commitment to my family to feed them.

Another example:
I have committed myself to my [day] job.
I wake up every morning, prepare myself for work, and go to that place and do the thing “they” want me to do with my time while I’m there.
I commit myself to this for up to eight hours (***8 HOURS!!!***) every day.

Why should my passion be different?
This commitment to my passion is just as imperative to my personal growth, development, and livelihood each day. Even if all I can commit to is an hour a day. The commitment to myself and my passion is an absolute necessity.

For me this is how these first two steps look:
*I declared to myself that I am a writer.
*I made the declaration to my husband, my kids, family, friends, coworkers, etc. (This ensures my declaration – when everyone knows this is a thing that I do then there is no reason to deny the declaration or make excuses not to do it. This is a REALLY important step. Do not ignore this part!)
*I now commit myself to the task. I set my alarm for 5:00am Monday through Friday (each of my work days), and on weekends when I wake up (no alarm needed), I get up to do my passion thing.
*I  grab a cup of joe before sitting down to do my writing for at least an hour.
*I fulfill my commitment to myself. Every. Day.

Five in the morning is pretty early.
I get it.
People ask me pretty frequently, “Aren’t you tired, like, all the time?”
In the beginning, yes. I was sleepy – sometimes.

However, the benefit of taking this time for my passion far outweighs the exhaustion I feel in the afternoon.

And for the rest of the day, I know the following:
Today I have fulfilled my desire.
I already completed my passion thing.
I kept the commitment to myself.
I’m finished.
I’ve fulfilled my duty, my commitment to myself.
…and, it doesn’t really matter how the rest of my day goes because I already did my passion thing for the day.

It’s a FABULOUS feeling.

You will find your own way, and you know you’ve got at least one person (yours truly!) backing up your commitment to yourself.

So what will you commit yourself to?
And how will you fulfill that commitment each day?

Declare that commitment, and stick to it.

You will also feel fabulous, I promise.

Yours Truly,



  1. I guess I have to take small...sloth-steps, if you will..working my way up to writing every day. I feel frustrated at my slow 🐌 progress (always have), but I'm moving forward. I need all the outside help I can get. My other conundrum is the fact that I have several passions including writing.

    1. You're lucky, Jasper, to have several passions.
      So, would you mind sharing what they are, and what your biggest dreams are for them?

      I know you have a book started, and you want to see it come into fruition. My next turtle step will help you meet that, but for now, it would help to declare what your passions are, and then find a way to commit to them.

      You and I talked about the NaNoWriMo format, and maybe it didn't work for you, perhaps it will in the future - if we all do it together, perhaps. Maybe that's too much commitment and pressure to begin with. I don't believe our passions should ever become our burdens; that is never their lot in our lives! Our passions should enthrall us! If this didn't work, let's work together to try to find a technique that will work for you!

      Following the steps:
      Declare all your passions to us (your humbled support team!).
      Then, let's try to find a way to incorporate them into your daily.

      Thank you for sharing, Jasper!


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