How often does your Day Job interfere with your Passion?


This morning I was hot with my passion like butter on a roll!
I did all of my passion work! I got up early, showered, dressed and went right to work on my novel for NaNoWriMo. The creative juices were flowing out of me so smooth that I didn't want to stop writing. I love days like today. I don't know where the ideas come from, but there they are, and I was able to seize the moment and create!

The creativity wasn't stopping with NaNoWriMo, either! I was also able to write a section for my Autobiography. Then, an idea for a story that was given to me a while ago by a friend (thanks, Michaela!)  started to form solid roots, and I couldn't get it onto paper fast enough! It was incredible! That's three writings all before I had to head to work at 8:30 in the morning! Three new creations! See? Hot butter!

...but inevitably, the time did catch up with me, and I did have to go to work.

Don't get me wrong. I. Love. My. (Day.) Job.
It's creative and fun and mature and rewarding. All the good stuff.
But it's not my Passion Job.

When creative juices are flowing, it's nearly impossible to stop them. Have you ever felt this way? I think we all have. When an idea hits me while I'm driving, I'll pull over and jot it down on my cell's note app so I don't lose that content. It's also happened that I don't write an idea down and it flitters away - off on its own adventure. "Bye-bye, Brookie!" Gone forever, leaving me heartbroken and confused.

This morning was one of those mornings that I didn't want to stop writing. And I had to because of my money-maker.

Here's my question to you:
How often does your Day Job interfere with your Passion work?
Be honest. You're safe here.

Here's my point:
Carve out time every day to work on your passion thing. Especially every "work" day. Be it before work, or in the middle of your day, or at the end of your day. Make time for it. This is SO important. Overly important. Like, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO EVER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! It's that important. Book it into your schedule like it's a meeting with your boss (after all, you are your own boss!). Demand yourself to it. You make time for your day job, why not your passion?

I challenge you to One hour every day.
That's all I ask. One hour each day to focus on creating the thing you love.

There's no other goal here - nothing else that needs to be completed.
No race to win. Just you and your passion and a little bit of time.
That's it.

Will you commit to you? Will you commit to your passion?
If not, start asking yourself, "Why not? What's your block?" And figure that out.

Onward my dears, Onward!

Get Coached


  1. Hey girl. I just read through all of your post again. And. I am reading North Star. At this time...I am still trying to figure out my passion but I am not sure what it is. I like t write but nothing has inspired me o write lately. So this is what I am committing to to at this time.. time every night to improve myself, I will read North Star, jot down inspiration and meditate. You will see where that leads me.

    1. Jenna! This is fabulous and honest and so REAL! Start where you're at! That's all you can do! You are perfect, and a beautiful, WISE example! Thank you for sharing! ♡♡♡ Keep us updated!!!


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