A Heart's Song

A Heart’s Song

It’s time to stop drowning out your own thoughts with addictions
booze and drugs and social media and Likes.
It’s time to turn off the music
                unless it encourages you to dream.
It’s time to stop making polite conversation;
time to listen for the profound.
It’s time to stop being inundated by the news.
It’s time to stop being distracted by other people’s lives;
                time to focus on your soul.
It’s time to ignore your judgments.
It’s time to turn off your reasoning
                because things won’t make sense.
It’s time to turn on your passions.
It’s time to forge a new path.

It’s time to listen to your heart
          the murmur.
Time to follow your heart.
Participate from your heart
                (only your heart).
Come from that space
no longer this place.
You are valid and relevant.
No need to explain
                or define or label.

Follow the path of your heart and it will lead you to unfathomable:
- meaning
- desire
- creativity
- love
- fun
- passion
- depth
- joy

Allowing your thoughts and fears and culture to float right on by, every moment that you remember to ignore them, you allow your heart to guide you. Then you will be led toward things you never even dreamed of.

This is the Magic.
It’s time to stop allowing other things to permeate you.
It’s time to listen to -
It’s time to focus on -
It’s time to play with -
It’s time to participate in -
It’s time to come from -

- your heart.
