Message From Someone Who Knows

"Do the next right thing." ~Glennon Doyle
This is so pivotal to our Now. 
It's the only thing we can control. 
It's all we've got. 

This message guides me every moment. Alongside the truth that there are no mistakes, all we've got is our next right choice. Choose actions and words from your heart, and move forward with knowing that you are doing the best you can with what you've got.

This question reminds me to ask myself, "Am I doing the best right here, right now?" It comes up in simple and complex conversations and situations. It's not a mantra or an affirmation, it's a soul-check-in. It's my compass.

When I'm answering to my soul in each moment, I also know that everything's gonna be alright! (And it always is.)
What is your Next Right Thing?


  1. My next right thing is to focus on making the most of the time I get to spend with my children. Can't wait to see them in the morning. ��

    1. YES! Kids have a way of grounding us, don't they? We can bring Glennon's message into our darkest moments too. When we're feeling depressed it works especially well. When I'm in that place, all I can think is, "What is my next right thing?" Sometimes, when I'm at my lowest, it's as simple as taking a shower. Other times it's larger like speaking my truth to my boss. Do the next right thing. Let it resonate. <3 Thank you for sharing, Joe!


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